2. When you launch the app after it has been installed, you will find a device ID and device key.
3. Enter your ID and device key at https://edit.duplexplay.com, then select Manage device. A new window will popup once you click "+ Add Playlist," so enter a name for the playlist there.
You can enter any name, and in the (Playlist Url (.M3U or.M3U8) area, copy and paste the m3u link we sent you to your emails (this is your subscription m3u playlis link) and the (XMLTV EPG Url (Optional)) sections. Copy and paste the provided xmltv and m3u links into your email. Once you've saved the xmltv for the TV guide link, go back to the TV or app and refresh (reload) it so you can start watching.
Provide your device ID and device key from the app to info@iptvgang.com if you are having trouble uploading your playlist, and we will upload it for you.
How to install DuplexPlay on Samsung smart TV
1. Upload the m3u playlist link (your subscription that we will send to your email once you subscribe with us) at: https://edit.duplexplay.com to easily see how to install.Provide your device ID and device key from the app to info@iptvgang.com if you are having trouble uploading your playlist, and we will upload it for you.
How to install DuplexPlay iptv on any Android BOX,Tablet,Phones
- To easily figure out how to install, watch the video. The m3u playlist link (your subscription), which we will provide to your email once you subscribe with us, must be uploaded at: https://edit.duplexplay.com. — Provide your device ID and device key from the app to info@iptvgang.com if you are having trouble uploading your playlist, and we will upload it for you.
How to Install DuplexPlay on your LG smart TV
- To see how simple it is, watch the video. The m3u playlist link (your subscription), which we will provide to your email once you subscribe with us, must be uploaded at: https://edit.duplexplay.com. — Provide your device ID and device key from the app to info@iptvgang.com if you are having trouble uploading your playlist, and we will upload it for you.
How to Install DuplexPlay on your PC Windows
1. Watch the video to learn how to quickly install. The m3u playlist link (your subscription), which we will provide to your email once you subscribe with us, must be uploaded at: https://edit.duplexplay.com.Provide your device ID and device key from the app to info@iptvgang.com if you are having trouble uploading your playlist, and we will upload it for you.